quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2015

Utility Audit - Reducing Operating Expenses Part 1 of 2.wmv

Enviado em 7 de mar de 2011
Recorded on-line seminar explains how utility bill audits and telecom bill audits can identify and recover lost dollars and save on future operating costs. Not to be confused with energy audits; utility and telecom bill audits are quick, require little effort and are paid for out of the savings. This video is particularly helpful for senior financial managers, presidents, owners, or property managers. Once done, view Part 2 here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHMIJD... .

In this brief 17 minute two part seminar attendees will learn:

* How it is different from an electricity audit
* If your company is likely to save from utility and telecom auditing
* The range of savings
* Which utilities can be audited*
* How savings are documented
* What information is needed to conduct the audit
* Whether overcharges or over-billings from past payments can be refunded - if so, how far back
* How recommended changes are implemented
* What is the risk
* What is the cost
* Can your company do the audit in-house
* What is the cost to delay

Learn more at http://www.utilityauditsolutions.com/ .
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