quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2015

Face to Face with Erik Andersen: The Privatization of BC Hydro

Publicado em 7 de fev de 2013
Retired economist Erik Anderson discusses a troubling and possibly sinister financial situation at BC Hydro. And he asks: Is BC Hydro being put in financial jeopardy in order to privatize it. This is shocking and almost unbelievable stuff and must be seen by all. Once again we see the Media and the NDP silent, the government corrupt, and our future being put at great risk. The stage is being set for something that may make the BC Rail fraud look small.

Note: This interview was recorded in November 2010. Some of the comments and issues are now outdated.

©2010 Lazarus Productions

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olhando ônibus, ruas, NY, e conversando com o Áurio
